Our parent community is highly engaged and involved. We offer multilingual family meetings and events to ensure inclusivity for everyone in our community, including our annual International Day.
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Meetings: Formal gatherings where parents have an opportunity to be part of decisions that bring positive changes to our school. All parents are invited to be active members; meetings are advertised for parent participation.
School Family Council (SFC) Meetings: Parents and community members are invited to attend SFC meetings to discuss issues relating to the school and make decisions when necessary.
Comprehensive Community Support: Mx. Couch-Murray, Govans Elementary’s full-time site coordinator, connects our students and families with school and other community resources for student achievement and family wellbeing.
We are a school-based neighborhood hub for educators, families, and community partners to come together to offer a range of opportunities and support services:
- Community engagement activities
- Annual dental screenings for students
- Annual vision and free glasses and hearing screenings for students
- An on-site food pantry with weekly food bag distribution
- Seasonal food and family gifts including Thanksgiving and Christmas
- Student Support Wellness Team
- Full-time social worker on staff
- Partnership with Dewees Recreation Center for family nights and summer programs
- Partnership with local churches and nonprofit organizations that supports families with coat drives, shoe giveaways, and school supply donations
- Partnerships with local universities (Loyola, Towson, and Notre Dame of Maryland University) providing trained tutors to support students in reading and math
Additional community partners include:
- The Church of the Redeemer
- Huber Memorial Church
- Front Porch Church
- CrossRoads Church
- Grace Presbyterian Church
- Chesapeake Insurance Company
- Be a Chef-ICC
- Days of Taste
- Staples
- Dewees Recreation Center
- Govans Farmers Market
- Wire & Honey and Shoes That Fit
- Polos to Ties Mentoring Program
- Downtown Baltimore Family Alliance
- Loyola University Maryland
- Towson University
- Notre Dame of Maryland University
- Morgan State University
- St. Paul’s Schools
- The Gilman School
- Bryn Mawr School
- Blair Wellness Center
- Board Room Chess
- Kingdom Worship Center
- Church of the Nativity & Holy Comforter
- Department of Planning, Northern District
- York Road Partnership
- York Road Initiative
- Friends of Dewees
- Weekend Backpack
- Hex Superette
- Flight Restaurant/Catering
- Girl Scout Brownie Troop

Mx. Jasmine “CM” Couch-Murray
Community School Site Specialist [email protected]
O: 443-884-4732 C: 347-688-3242